Just a nice swoosh

Company Policies

Please review our policies...

Quality Policy

Clean Image (UK) Ltd believes in the concept of customer and supplier working together in pursuing this policy and in continually striving for improvements in service quality. The quality policy is based on 3 fundamental principles:

  1. Ensuring that we fully identify and conform to the needs of our customers.

  2. Looking at our service provision processes, identifying the potential for errors and taking the necessary action to eliminate them.

  3. Everyone understanding how to do their job and doing it right first time.

To ensure that the policy is successfully implemented, staff will be responsible for identifying customer requirements, and ensuring that the correct procedures are followed to meet those requirements. Objectives needed to ensure that the requirements of this policy are met and that continual improvement is maintained in line with the spirit of the policy, will be set, determined and monitored at Management Review.

The quality policy principles and objectives will be communicated and available to staff at all times. Training will be an integral part of the strategy to achieve the objectives. Within this Policy we are committed to operating our Company under the disciplines and control of a Quality Management System conforming to the International Standard 1S0 9001:2008, planned and developed jointly with our other management functions.

We are all committed to operating continuously to this standard and we will maintain the necessary Quality Approvals consistent with our customer requirements.

Our Company will constantly review and improve on our services to ensure tasks are completed in the most cost effective and timely manner for the benefit of all our customers.

We shall ensure that all our personnel understand and fully implement our Company's policies and objectives and are able to perform their duties effectively through an ongoing training and development programme.

Click here to download our Quality Policy...

Environmental Policy

Clean Image (UK) Ltd is a leading midlands based cleaning provider. Our services are based on a bespoke approach which encompasses delivery of cleaning services for private sector business premises. Clean Image (UK) Ltd recognises that the diversity and nature of our work at all levels can have an impact on the environment. We consider that our actions to minimise this impact are of prime importance and we are committed to the prevention of pollution and to compliance with legal and other requirements.

The Company is also committed to continually improving our environmental performance and this is supported by the development of a formal Integrated Management System (IMS), encompassing the needs of an Environmental system. Using this framework, Clean Image (UK) Ltd will develop a range of environmental objectives and targets with practical plans to achieve them. This will address issues such as the conservation of natural resources, waste minimisation and energy efficiency.

In order to deliver these improvements, Clean Image (UK) Ltd will:

  • Promote environmental awareness to members of staff as an integral part of the business strategy.

  • Pursue environmental improvements associated with our work at our own premises and on client sites.

  • Support the aims of our clients in achieving their own environmental objectives.

  • Provide resources and support to members of the senior management team to implement the principals outlined in this policy.

  • Conduct reviews on at least an annual basis to ensure the effectiveness of the EMS and identify opportunities for further improvement.

Click here to download our Environmental Policy...

Health & Safety Policy

It is the company’s intention that its work will be carried out in accordance with the relevant statutory provisions, in general the OSHAS 18001 standard, and that all of its activities will be conducted with regard for individual health, safety and welfare of both employees and non employees.

Management and supervisory staff have the responsibility for implementing this policy throughout the company. Management will ensure that health and safety measures, developed to control risks, are monitored and reviewed. Management must also ensure that their own work is carried out without risk to themselves or others.

All employees, suppliers and subcontractors, are expected to cooperate with the company in carrying out this policy, and must ensure that their own work is conducted in accordance with any training and information that has been provided regarding health & safety.

The Managing Director has particular responsibility for health, safety & welfare and to whom reference should be made in the event of any difficulty arising in the implementation of this policy.

This statement of company policy will be displayed prominently around the workplace.

The organisation, and arrangements for implementing the policy, will also be available within the workplace for reference by any employee as required.

Click here to download our Health & Safety Policy...

Contact Us

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